Artist of the Day | OVER THE MOON





Longview, AB, Canada


Appalacian - Country Swing



Suzanne Levesque
Craig Bignell

With the current pandemic, the state of the music and touring industry has dramatically changed. Where were you when everything was brought to a halt? 

We were at home, working on our next album and Craig was just recovering from a very major surgery... We were both excited to start doing shows again finally, and that's when it hit...

How has that affected your plans for the coming year? Did you have a tour planned, upcoming album release?

It pretty much cancelled everything we had worked so hard to book. Including a 4 week tour of the UK for March 2021 in response to the success of our debut album "Moondancer". Loosing that one, meant way more to us that the revenue we lost from the cancellations of our Canadian dates.

What have you been doing to fill/make the most of your new-found free time at home? How are you supporting your mental health through all of this?

We have kept very busy. We took more time than planned to finish our new "Chinook Waltz" album, which would be our first on the Borealis label, as there was no sense in rushing as we couldn't release it anyway. We also purchased a different place that was not finished, so we've been spending a great deal of time being carpenters and building this place just like we like it, and a new studio as well. Also, (even in the midst of construction) we do a great deal of recording sessions for other artist's projects from around the world, and that helped keep us afloat as well...

How are dealing with the Covid fifth wave? Have things locked down again in your region? Have you had to cancel gigs, tours, etc.? Are things reopening & restrictions are lifting in your region? Have you booked any new gigs, tours, etc.? What are your plans for 2022?

We actually had a busy summer playing outdoor festivals and backyard concerts... This fall we just finished an 11 show tour of Saskatchewan, playing small community theatres that worked within the Covid protocols. Our March tour of the UK has been re-booked for this coming March for 4 weeks, and then into Ireland for 2 weeks in April...

Do you have a message for everyone at home reading this?

What we've learned from all of this is, never give up... These past two years with Craig's surgery and then loosing all of our shows was just brutal! But, we just kept going as if everything was going to be normal soon enough. Even now, with all the rumours of 4th and 5th waves, we don't know what will happen to our UK tour again, and we might loose it and all the momentum we've just rebuilt with our new album release over there , but in our hearts, it's happening and we're thrilled...

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